The payment is made directly to the Agência Viagens Abreu. Upon receipt of the registration and the payment, the Agency will confirm that registration by email or fax and will send the receipt by post.
* Special Conditions for Students
In order to promote the development and dissemination of the Health Economics in Portugal, the Portuguese Health Economics Association decided to create special conditions for students to participate in the 12th Portuguese Health Economics Conference. The registration includes admission to all sessions, conference materials, coffee breaks and lunch on Friday. It doesn't include the conference dinner.
Special conditions for members of others Health Economics Associations
Through the protocols of cooperation that the APES has with the Associação Brasileira de Economia da Saúde (ABrES), the Asociacion de Economia de la Salud (AES - Espanha), the Asociacion de Economia de la Salud (AES - Argentina) and the Associazione Italiana di Economia Sanitaria (AIES) the members of these associations can do the registration with the same price as the APES members.
Cancellation Policy
All cancellations must be received in writing (letter, fax or e-mail), addressed to the Congress Secretariat, Lourdes Catalino or by email:
For cancellations received until September 1 will be charged a rate of 30% and the remaining 70% will be returned. After 1 September 2011 there will be no place for reimbursement of payments made. In this case, the participant can be replaced by a person of the same institution/company.